The average daily wage of 10 workers is Tk. 400. If the lowest wage is Tk. 300 what is the possible maximum wage in Tk?
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If the value of X and Y in the fraction XZ/Y are both tripled , how does the value of the fraction change ?
What is the largest number tha divides 84,144 or 36 without any remainder?
কোন শর্তে log_a1= 0?
If a person walk at 14km/hr instead of 10km/hr, he would walked 20 km more. The actual distance travelled by him is-
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i-49 এর মান কত?
Two friend M and N have 40% and 60% shares in a business. After some time a third friend joined the business by investing Tk. 5 lac and acquired 20% shares in the business. What is the share of M in the business now?
((০.৯)^৩ +〖(০.৪)〗^৩)/(০.৯ +০.৪) এর মান কত?
A certain class is divided into two section A and B of equal numbr of students. If the ratio of girls to buys for whole class is 3/5 and the ration of girls to boys in section A is 5/7. What is the ratio o fgirls to biys in section B?
কোন ভগ্নাংশটি ক্ষুদ্রতম ?