W h e n f l a r e s a r e u s e d a s −−−−−→ a d i s t r e s s s i g n a l s −−−→ b t h e y c o n t a i n −−−−−−→ c c h e m i c a l t h a t p r o d u c e i n t e n s e l y −−−−→ d c o l o r s .
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All data 'in computer' are changed 'into' pulses 'by' an input 'unit'. 'No Error'.
A doctor may be able to diagnose a problem perfect, but he may not be able to find a drug to which the patient will respond.
Though many scientists 'had initially regarded' his theory 'as absurd' and 'incompatible to' common sense, they later 'appreciated his work'.'No erroe'
Copper is a metal "which" is "easily" worked and which "mixes" well with "other" metals to form alloys. "No error".
Identify the incorrect word/phrase indicated by in the following sentences. Every man or woman should vote for the candidate of their choice.
According to experts a good way to improve listening skills is by watch television specially news and documentaries..
The following words are spelt wrong; the addition of a letter to each to each will make it correct. Identify the missing letter. Copuete
The surface of 'the' tongue 'covered' with 'tiny' taste 'buds'. 'No Error'.
Because vitamins 'are' contained 'in a' wide 'variety' of foods, people seldom 'lack of' most of them. 'No Error'.
Although the two families 'have always been' involved 'in some form of ' bickering 'since the time' they moved into the same neigh bourhood, there 'was no major quarrel' for the past two years. 'No error'.