Created: 6 months ago | Updated: 6 months ago | Created By:
Saidul Mostafa
Saidul Mostafa
The house stood empty, a solitary figure against the darkening sky. Going there, he found his friend absent. No lights flickered in the windows, no sound emanated from within

Are you sure this is the right place?" he asked, peering doubtfully at the deserted street. "Yes, I'm positive," she replied. "But going there, I guess we found your friend absent.

The scene painted is one of desolation and solitude. The phrase "Going there, he found his friend absent" indicates a sense of disappointment or perhaps even worry on the part of the protagonist. It suggests that the person went to a particular place with the expectation of finding their friend there, but instead, they discovered the friend's absence. This absence is further emphasized by the description of the empty house with no lights or sounds, creating a stark contrast to the protagonist's anticipation.

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