Created: 6 months ago | Updated: 6 months ago | Created By:
Saidul Mostafa
Saidul Mostafa
信息失真 (xìnxi shīzhēn)
There isn't a single perfect translation for "garbled meaning" in Chinese Traditional, but here are a few options depending on the specific nuance you want to convey: 意思含糊 (yìsi hán hú): This translates to "meaning unclear" and is a general way to say something is hard to understand. 文句不清 (wénjù bù qīng): This means "sentence/phrase unclear" and emphasizes the lack of clarity in the wording itself. 信息失真 (xìnxi shīzhēn): This translates to "information distorted" and implies the meaning has been twisted or altered during transmission. 驴唇不对马嘴 (lǘ chún bù duì mǎ zuǐ): This is a common idiom that literally means "donkey's lips don't meet horse's mouth" and metaphorically refers to something nonsensical or where things don't fit together. It's a strong way to say the meaning is completely garbled. Choosing the best option depends on the context.

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