Assit. Programmer | Sonali Bank, Rubali Bank, BD Krishi Bank - 16.11.2018 ||

Assit. Programmer | Sonali Bank, Rubali Bank, BD Krishi Bank - 16.11.2018 || The Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) is a government body responsible for overseeing primary education in a specific jurisdiction. While there are multiple countries with organizations named "Directorate of Primary Education," I will provide you with general information about the functions and responsibilities typically associated with such directorates.

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 5 months ago | Created By:
Jannatul Ferdush
Jannatul Ferdush
The left child is always lesser than its parent
The right child is always greater than its parent
The left and right sub-should also be binary search trees
Either the left of the right sub- tree should be be binary search tree but not both.
"Box obhj -new BOx();"
Box obj=new Box;"
obj=new Box();"
new Box obj;"
method overding
method overloading
method hiding
method duplication
Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 5 months ago | Created By:
Jannatul Ferdush
Jannatul Ferdush
file manager
Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 5 months ago | Created By:
Jannatul Ferdush
Jannatul Ferdush
"return-type function name (argument type;)"
"return-type function -name (argument type){}"
"return -type (argument type ) function-name"
"return-type {} function -name"
"Overflow "
"User flow"
"Lightly connected"
"Strongly connected"
" Weakly connected"
" Loosely connected"
Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 5 months ago | Created By:
Jannatul Ferdush
Jannatul Ferdush
Brute Force technique"
Divide and Conquer"
Greedy algorithm"
Dynamic programming"