Assit. Programmer | Sonali Bank, Rubali Bank, BD Krishi Bank - 16.11.2018 || Model Test For Yourself

2. 'আটকপালে' বাগধারটির অর্থ কি?

3. Substitute in one word : 'The study and treatment of mental illness.'

4. CPU fetches the instruction form memory according to the value of __

8. which of the following is full form of IFC?

10. choose the appropriate translation of : ' ঝড়ো হাওয়া সহ বৃষ্টিপাত হলো'

11. what is a long -term scheduler ?

12. Choose the correct spelling

13. If f is a function defined from R is given by f (x) = 3x -5, then f − 1 (x) is given by :

16. The head quarter of IOM is located in :

17. An algorithm which uses the past results to find the new results is

20. what is the mounting of file system ?

21. If for a square matrix A , A 2 = A then such a matrix is known as :

22. Quickrt can be categorized as

24. Which of the following doesn't requirement an & for the input in Scant()?

25. Which of the following is false about a binary search tree?

27. For some base r, the digits which are allowed in its representation are?

29. He has no good cause __ complaint Darkness was the cause __ his losing his way.

32. which day is observed as 'World Autism awareness Day'?

35. 'নদী' শব্দের সমার্থক নয়।

37. Which of the following is a correct format for declaration of function?

38. Domain of a function is :

39. 'Cognizable' শব্দটির বাংলা পরিভাষা _

40. change the form of speech : They said, 'We cannot live without air' .

42. ইসমাইল হোসেন সিরাজী রচিত কাব্যগ্রন্থ কোনটি?

44. The time complexity of binary search is :

46. which country is hosting the 'ICC Women's World T20 2018?

47. what is an example of iteration in C?

48. when there is a large logical address space, the best way of paging would be:

49. 'Black Monday ' is related to __

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