Janata Bank Ltd - Executive Officer - 26.06.2015 || Model Test For Yourself

6. Syntax' means-

8. ' শাহনামা' মৌলিক গ্রন্থটি কার?

9. Chaity Company's return on equity (ROE) was 11.4% in 200A and 13.1% in 200B. The increase in this ratio could be caused by which of the following ?

10. 'দ্য লিবারেশন অব বাংলাদেশ' গ্রন্থের রচিয়তা------

11. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words : The Antonym for 'DEARTH' is

13. মুক্তিযুদ্ধের উপর লিখিত গ্রন্থ "আমার কিছু কথা" এর লেখক কে?

15. সংবাদপত্র কোন সমাস ?

19. Certificates of Deposits (CDs) show all but one of the following characteristics. Find out which one:

20. সুদের হার ও শেয়ার বাজারের সম্পর্ক কোন ধরনের?

21. Which of the following ratios is not a test of solvency ?

24. The abbreviation VSAT is

31. The effect of shortening the length of the operating cycle is :

34. হেমিংওয়ের 'দি ওল্ডম্যান এন্ড দি সি'- গ্রন্থের বঙ্গানুবাদ করেছেন-

36. Which of the typically following will cause an increase in return on equity (ROE) as long as expenses do not grow faster than revenue ?

38. In centralized database system, the role of the front office in a bank is to

39. ’ভানুমতির খেল’ প্রবচনটি বোঝায় -

42. What must be added to 1/x for making it equal to x ?

43. Badminton is the national sport of

44. Point of sale (POS) machine is widely used by the

45. If the current ration is 2 to 1, the payment of a cash dividend, which was recorded as a liability on the date of declaration, will -

49. Which of the following is a service not provided by a bank ?

50. Return on equity can be calculated by :

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