সিনিয়র অফিসার (ফাইন্যান্স) - 20.11.2020 || Model Test For Yourself

1. 'Who will help you.' The passive from is-

2. 'Halda Valley' is located in-

3. Which Bangladeshi is the co founder of YouTube?

5. Normative economics deals with-

10. Which one satisfaction of the following is not the characteristics of indifference Curves?

11. 'হেড-মৌলভী' শব্দটি গঠিত-

18. An NPV profile for a single project-

21. Which one of the following is the example of standing plan?

24. E d = 0 means-

27. Which of the following is an example of an implicit cost?

28. কোনটি মুক্তিযুদ্ধভিত্তিক উপন্যাস?

30. 9.Relative worth of a job is known as-

31. The combination of peer, superior, subordinate, and self- review appraisal is known as-

33. নিচের কোন শব্দটি বহুব্রীহি সমাস সাধিত?

34. Who is known as the father of Management?

35. Accounts payable is a-

36. Which sentence is correct?

39. ভারত সরকার কোন লেখক কে 'পদ্মভূষণ' উপাধিতে ভূষিত করেন?

40. Which of the following statements about NPV and IRR is false?

41. The type of cheque which can be encashed only by depositing is known as-

42. Which of the following is true?

43. The degree of inequality in the income distribution can be measured by-

45. Which of the following you will not consider as a conflict of interest'?

46. 'গণনার যোগ্য নয় যা' এক কথায় কি বলে?

47. Which of the following statements is true?

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