The Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) program provides funding to states to support child care affordability, quality improvement, and access initiatives. It helps low-income families access safe and affordable child care services.
Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 6 months ago | Created By:
Naznin Haque
Naznin Haque
The Foster Grandparents program engages low-income seniors as mentors and role models for children with exceptional needs. It provides opportunities for intergenerational bonding and support within educational or community settings.
The Early Intervention Program provides services and supports to infants and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities. It helps identify and address developmental needs early, promoting optimal growth and development.
Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 6 months ago | Created By:
Naznin Haque
Naznin Haque
The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) is a federal law that establishes minimum standards and guidelines for child welfare proceedings involving Native American children. It aims to preserve and protect Native American families and culture.
Yes, there are programs to support individuals with visual impairments, such as vocational rehabilitation services, orientation and mobility training, assistive technology programs, and educational accommodations.
The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) provides funding and guidelines to states for the prevention, assessment, investigation, and treatment of child abuse and neglect. It aims to ensure the safety and well-being of children.
Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 6 months ago | Created By:
Naznin Haque
Naznin Haque
The Early Head Start program provides comprehensive early childhood education, health, and family support services to low-income pregnant women and families with infants and toddlers. It aims to promote healthy child development and support families.
Yes, there are programs to support veterans experiencing homelessness, such as the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program, Grant and Per Diem (GPD) program, and HUD-VASH program.
Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 6 months ago | Created By:
Naznin Haque
Naznin Haque
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is a free consulting service that provides guidance and resources to individuals with disabilities and employers to facilitate workplace accommodations and ensure equal employment opportunities.
Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 6 months ago | Created By:
Naznin Haque
Naznin Haque
The School Health Services program provides comprehensive health services, including preventive care, screenings, and referrals, in school settings. It aims to promote students' health and well-being, ensuring they are ready to learn.
Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 6 months ago | Created By:
Naznin Haque
Naznin Haque
The Healthy Families America program is a home visiting program that provides support, education, and resources to parents and families to promote healthy child development, prevent child abuse, and enhance parenting skills.
Yes, there are programs to support individuals with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers, such as the Alzheimer's Disease Assistance Act programs, respite care services, and caregiver support groups.
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides breastfeeding support, education, and resources to promote and support breastfeeding among WIC participants.
The Maternal and Child Health Block Grant (MCHBG) program provides funding to states to improve the health and well-being of mothers, infants, children, and children with special health care needs. It supports a range of services and initiatives.
Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 6 months ago | Created By:
Naznin Haque
Naznin Haque
The Indian Health Service (IHS) is a federal agency that provides healthcare services to American Indians and Alaska Natives. It operates a network of hospitals, clinics, and health centers in tribal communities.