18th BCS Question with Answer

18th BCS Question with Answer The Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) is a government body responsible for overseeing primary education in a specific jurisdiction. While there are multiple countries with organizations named "Directorate of Primary Education," I will provide you with general information about the functions and responsibilities typically associated with such directorates.

Created: 5 months ago | Updated: 5 months ago | Created By:
farjana akter akter
farjana akter akter
একটি দার্শনিক মতবাদ
প্রাণীবিদ্যার একটি তত্ত্ব
ভূ-বিদ্যার একটি তত্ত্ব
পদার্থবিদ্যার একটি তত্ত্ব
Not deceptive
Not certain
Not obvious
Not coherent
seamstress : scissors
stenographer : typewriter
painter : brush
lawyer : brief
Accident : delay
Water : waves
Event : memories
Wood : splinters
gulp : sip
confide : tell
scorn : admire
participate : observe