Give a Model Test For English Grammar (ইংরেজি গ্রামার) Subject

1. Cricket is the very exciting game . (Make it Exclamatory)

2. With a natural --languages, Ahad---German much more rapidly than did his less linguistically gifted brother.

3. 'azure' means ----


6. Synonym of the word 'anomaly'--

8. কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান?

11. The repetition of the initial consonant sound is own as---—

12. 'Caesar and Cleopatra' is-

15. Choose the correct sentence

16. Fire burns, What kind of verb 'burn' is?

17. What do you think of Arabic? Do you think it______?

18. Which one is a masculine noun?

20. 'To shed crocodile tears' means

23. 'To kick the bucket' means to---


26. The phrase 'go to the brink' in the passage means

27. The underlined word in the sentence "Whoever violates the rule shall be punished" is

28. FRAUD opposite meaning

31. He said to me, “Wait until I come.” বাক্যটির Indirect speech হবে—-

35. 'The rainbow' is _________

37. He is one of the best students in the class. If the adjective of the sentence is transformaed into positive degree if becomes.

38. The expression 'penny wise pound foolish' indicates a situation where someone is

39. What is the correct translation of “যার জ্বালা সেই বোঝে”

42. Shakespeare is one of the greatest ----

43. At a loss means-

44. Words: Writer::

45. কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান?

46. When will you mail that letter?

47. The author mentions food, tools and precious metals and stones together because they are all:

48. The antonym of belittle is-

50. Latent

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