A,B,C,D,E,G and I are seven friends who study in three different standards namely 5th, 6th and 7th such that not less than two friends study in the same standard. Each friend also has a different favorite subject namely History, Civics, English, Bangla, Science , Maths , and Economics but not necessarily in the same order. A likes Maths and studies in the 5th standard with only one other friend who likes Bangla. I studies with tow other friends . Both the friends who study with I like languages (Here languages include only Science , English and Bangla ) . D studies in the 6th standard with only one person and does not like Civics . E studies with only one friend . The one who likes history does not study in 5th or 6th standard . E does not like languages. C does not like English , Science or Civics. Which combination represents E's favorite subject and the standard in which he studies?
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